If you cater your handmade business toward children this is a great time of year to drop a business card in those Halloween treat bags to reach out to some new local customers. Make sure you have some sort of contest...OR incentive for moms and dads to come to your store site, or Facebook page. Keep your wording clear and not to busy. Don't make it ADVERTISING that is cold...Make it a note or something personal from one mom to another.
Here is my ramble of ideas...I hope it makes sense....
Pack a small bag of candy and drop your business card in. (make sure each piece is wrapped and safe) If you are out with your kids....ask a friend who doesn't have kids if they wouldn't mind helping you out. They will be grateful to not have to purchase candy....or half the price with you. If you live in a neighborhood where you don't get very may trick or treaters...you can always volunteer for a trunk or treat event...they are always looking for more people to join. Check your community...local elementary school, church, community center???? .
IF you don't have a business card OR if you don't want to waste yours......I have some suggestions. It is going to be a little work on your part but you can do it....
I would go with either a post card size which fits perfectly in a small sandwich bag. OR a business card size design. Here or some tips on how to make some quick advertising.
1. Try not to spend to much money on this. The return maybe low....You can save money. Don't print in Color...Take to a local copy center and print on bright colors. You can bring your file on a disk as a PDF file and get a clean image. Each copy is about 10 cents...and you get 4 images on a page...that is not bad....If you print at home....try not to put to much color..1 great photo of what you sell is AWESOME.
2. IF YOU WANT....partner with a AVON, SCENTSY, or other business...You can print in full color on one side....they can print in color on the other....and split the cost...
3. I am busy this week to make designs but you can DIY...
Here are some fun Halloween designs...click the link below to play around with how easy it is...AND FREE..Just add your information and print out. http://www.avery.com/avery/en_us/Templates-%26-Software/Avery-Design-%26-Print-Online-Halloween-Templates.htm
These will eat up some ink...but they are cute...select the design you want....then choose if you want post cards....template 8577 or business card size and avery will automaticlly set it up for you...like this one below
Then just type your info....
then in the top left...PRINT This ..you can prit to a PDF file and save it for later or to print whenever you want it....or take it to a local copy center
This is how you make bow cards as well Bow Cards as well...Just print VERTICAL post cards...but same instructions.
4. FOR POSTCARD SIZE with your own logo go HERE type product 8577 even if you don't have the avery paper choose it anyway..
It is super easy to customize just look on the left side...
This works for ANYTHING you need for your business. Just think about how and where you are going to print it. You may have to cut and trim images from a sheet of paper...It saves money but it is a pain. You can purchase the avery paper but it will cost more.
5. Print 4x6 photo image colleges with your photos....take to your local photo center to make little advertisements for your business. Pretty inexpensive...but it could really make an inpact.
6. If you have word microsoft has fun and easy templates that you can use as well. here is a link to them. http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/templates/word-templates-FX102825522.aspx
Whatever you decide to do...make some sort of incentive for folks to come see you. Make sure you get the to follow you on Facebook. Have a sale or a giveaway. The wording depends on your business and what you have to sell.
Here is a quick idea. Take a photo of your KID in your best products and ...OR take a photo of a product you will give away....
My Mommy Sells Handmade Hair-bows and fun accessories in all sizes. Like us on facebook, and ???????? get 25% off ??? enter to win a free???? After X# of Likes I will give away...
I rambled...but I hope this makes sense.

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