Here it is with my watermark...I placed it where you can still see my finished product...My watermarked can't be cropped out...I didn't do anything fancy...I just took my font and typed my blog address on my image. Now I didn't come up with the idea of Mason Jar wine glasses. BUT I did show on my blog step by step how to make your own. It sucks to have it copied without my permission or any credit for my work...You can find that blog post here ...
I searched the word etsy on pinterest...and found hundreds of photos. NONE of the photos have watermarks. Don't do that...Watermark your work. Adding a visible watermark is a common way of indentifying images and protecting them from unauthorized use online. It also puts your brand out there. Your products are part of your brand....Your art is uniquely yours...Watermark it...
The reason I am mentioning Pinterst in the blog is because pintrest uses images as bookmarks instead of links...There is a link available but it is nice to just add a watermark..
Alot of the use of your images without mention of you or your or etsy shop... I think is unintentional. Someone sees something they like, they right click and save your image on their computer and forget later where they got it. You must put some identifying marks on your image. Your blog name or your logo image. Just as a quick reference to where they can find that product that has captured their interest. Make it easy for folks to share your awesome work...Word of mouth is the best way to show your brand.
Also keep this in mind. Photos that ROCK...sell products. If you don't have great photos you will not sell your products. If you have great photos....someone will take them....and use them to sell their products. I don't want to name names....but...It happens. I had a customer have this happen to them...Most of the time you will never know it has happened to you. You can choose to watermark your images in differently depending on the image.
Some argue that if you watermark your images you will not get chosen for treasury lists or blogs....but that is not true. I check my etsy account daily and I have seen watermarked images on the front page of esty several times...As long as your image is pretty and clean and clear it will be chosen.
It is not necessarily to watermark your work...but It can't hurt your brand...
Here are some great tutorials on how to add watermarks to your images... You would layer your watermark on top of the photo you have taken.
Adobe elements
Here are the top 20 FREE photo editing software programs.
I hope I have helped...

I cannot believe that someone would use your photos! That is so wrong! I always watermark everything I make, including the things my kids make that goes up on my blog from time to time. I'm not sure if you have a board of your own creations on Pinterest, but I do. I had been labeling them as "here's this blah blah blah that I made..." And people would repin it without changing the description! So be careful of that. I now write some thing like "made by me, Alison Heikkila..." and make sure my watermark is there. People are terrible. Copying is a form of flattery, but plagerism and stealing sucks! Good luck!